RSF - The Off Road Cycling Club

The Adventure Starts Here

Response to Mick Ely’s letter in Jan/Feb 2022 magazine

A couple of years ago I replied to Mick’s letter of November/December 2018 regarding e-bikes, in the January/February 2019 magazine.
Once again I feel a little bit irritated by his perception of e-bikers, especially when looking at his suggested “rules” for those participating in RSF group rides.
I have led RSF rides on mountain bike and e-bike. My leading was the same whichever type of bike I was riding. Sometimes I lead from the front, sometimes from the back and often somewhere in the middle. I regularly ride in groups of mixed bike types and have had no complaints about my style of leading a ride. To suggest e-bikers should not lead RFS rides is an insult to my integrity. It suggests I am inconsiderate and incapable of adapting to the group’s ability, something I spent over 40 years doing as a PE teacher. If e-bikers rode only with other e-bikers I would lose some of the fantastic friendships I have formed since joining the RSF, some of whom I struggle to keep up with on the level and gentle hills!
A bike is simply a tool, it is a means to an end regardless of how it is powered. The rider’s common sense, regardless of how it is powered, dictates that it is ridden appropriately to fit with the abilities and potential speed of the riders. The body may need e assistance but that does not mean the brain is incapable of rational thought and adjusting to the group. The RSF ethic has not changed in my opinion; the fittest wait for the slowest and we all have the same reason for being out there. Of course there will always be a few who are not so considerate but I’m convinced these are a real minority.
Mick is very fortunate that he is still fit and healthy enough to ride a non-e-bike and isn’t having to “seek out the easiest way of doing the hills”. I had every intention of returning to purely pedal power, but I have had so much fun on my e-bike, done far longer rides and covered lots more rough stuff that I’m reluctant to return to my non-e-bike other than on our visits to Holland!
So come on Mick, we don’t need those rules, embrace all us e-bikers into the fold without continually trying to get us to only ride with other e-bikers. Who knows, the day may come when you are struggling to keep going on pedal power and will have to revert to e-power. It really is fun, as is being a member of the RSF.
Happy cycling!
Gill Corden [Rossendale, Lancashire]