RSF - The Off Road Cycling Club

The Adventure Starts Here

1993 Nov-Dec Vol 38 No.6 (Index)

1993 Nov-Dec Vol 38 No.6 (Index)

And there were in that country cyclists abiding in the field sat beside their tents exceeding cold, for Lo, the wood was wet and the fire would not burn. And Lo, an angel appeareth unto them saying, Wherefore dwellest thou hither, for Lo, I bring thee good tidings, away unto Bethesda and there, Behold, find an inn of great comfort and joy. And it came to pass, as the angel had gone away from them unto Heaven, the cyclists said one to another, Let us go now, even unto Bethesda, for it is not our want that we sit and shiver.

Category: 1993
Created Date: 04-03-2023
Last Updated Date: 04-03-2023
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