RSF - The Off Road Cycling Club

The Adventure Starts Here

1965 Nov-Dec Vol 10 No.6 (Index)

1965 Nov-Dec Vol 10 No.6 (Index)

Following Albert Winstanley’s article in the Journal last year on the bone in the bag. a wide variety of objects have been travelling in saddlebags, mainly of the Lancastrian variety. Recently Albert was again the victim ; after stopping at a cafe he came out to find a large crowd assembled round his bike. And why ? While he was inside his ‘friends’ had securely bolted to his handlebars a flat plate on which was fixed a lit candle covered by a glass. So well fixed that he had to travel home thus.'

Category: 1965
Created Date: 07-23-2023
Last Updated Date: 07-23-2023
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