RSF - The Off Road Cycling Club

The Adventure Starts Here

1958 March Vol 3 No.6 (Index)

1958 March Vol 3 No.6 (Index)

In 1745, Cope, instead of going to meet Prince Charlie on this pass, marched to Inverness on a recruiting drive, and his failure to command the Corrieyairack gave the rebellion a sporting chance by opening the road to the south. Cope was accordingly court-martialed, and one of Wade’s last acts was to sit in judgment on the case. This was indeed a bitter blow to Cope, for no man was fitter to speak on the Coirieyairack  than Wade, for he 'knew' its possibilities - he built it.

Category: 1958
Created Date: 07-31-2023
Last Updated Date: 07-31-2023
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