RSF - The Off Road Cycling Club

The Adventure Starts Here


“My legs and a silly something in me cry out for knocking the milestones down one by one and stopping at nothing. For year I have been telling myself that it’s not the mile in the life that count, but the life in the miles. But still this silly restlessness hurries me on.” - The Ride to Chandigarh (1957), Harold Elvin


All content in the journals is copyright either of the RSF or the author or indeed both. It's use without permission will result in a stiff memo. If you would like to use an article or images please contact the general secretary in the first instance

Preston to Lancaster, A6, ribbon developement, garages and filling stations, transport cafes - it makes one duller to think of it, yet many. many cyclists use this route on their way to the Lakes. Little knowing that away to the east and running almost parallel to this route, is perhaps the most delectable stretch of country in the North - the Forest of Bowland
High Cup Nick is a tremendous 'fault' in the hillside to the south of Cross Fell, on the Barham - Westmorland border, and the tracks leading to it from either side are very wild. The huge amphitheatre which the fault has left has to be seen to be believed, and as it was many years since I was last over, a friend and I decided to use up the August Bank Holiday week-end of 1955, with this crossing
The person who enjoys over 90 miles in a day PLUS rough coastal work, will enjoy this run; He will not meet many strangers or fellow cyclists, but he will obtain good milk and Highland scones. Here will be seen old heather-covered cottages with a box for a chimney etc, and see real Highland ’crofting conditions - wee farms of less than 50 acres.
Another few hundred yards and the line of posts took mo out onto the narrow ledges which this spur of Ben More breaks into as it drops to the sea. The going was very precarious here, and carrying was necessary for some distance. All this lifting was done with the cyclo held out over space, and great care had to bo taken to avoid catching a wheel or pedal against rocks, and being thrown off balance.
The recent ascent of Eelvellyn by the Yorks Area Group raises an important point. It is possible to ride a cycle on the top for quite a distance, and at 3100 feet must be the highest point in England at which this can be done, for the two higher points of Scafell and Scafell Pike are the preserve of the fell-climber with his rope and piton. Our President tells me that he has ridden at 3500 feet in Scotland, and there may be higher cycling points in Wales?
Once again the cost of living (and dying) has gone up, and the part that affects our Fellowship, is the new postal charges. The cost of posting a single mag has not increased, but ordinary postage having been elevated to 3d will affect our ’normal correspondence' expenses. It would therefore, be appreciated, if members writing to officials or the magazine, and desiring a reply, would enclose a SAE and so assist in keeping down these exes.

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